Startups and investors

Web Summit events for startups: ‘amazing’ contacts, ‘pivotal’ media exposure, ‘accelerated’ funding rounds

What are three of the biggest benefits of attending our events? According to these founders: market e...

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An illustration of the world map with Portugal and Canada highlighted and a series of arrows from Portugal to Canada.
Startups and investors

The startups cracking North America with Web Summit

Startups from around the world have used our Canadian event as a means of entering the North Amer...

2024-07-16T08:52:09 - 3 min read
Startups and investors

Startup success: What Web Summit events mean to Jade Autism

We spoke with Jade Autism CEO Ronaldo Cohin about the company’s success and how ‘everything chang...

2024-06-19T17:10:31 - 4 min read

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Startups and investors

Startup Success: How Indominus got investor-ready

As part of our Startup Success series, we sat down with René-Syl...

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Startups and investors

The PITCH winners that raised US$1.5 billion

2018 PITCH winner Wayve recently raised US$1.3 billion. So what ...

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Startups and investors

Startup Success: How Supademo connected with a key investor

In our series exploring successful startup stories at our events...

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This image show two people. On the left is Dogan Akbulut, CEO and founder of Paillor. On the right is Adam Kamaneh, Paillor employee.
Startups and investors

Startup Success: From a two-person team to US$1.3M revenue – Paillor’s rise

As part of our series exploring successful startup stories from ...

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