Media accreditation policy

Last updated: June 2024

Media accreditation for all of our events is intended for journalists working for legitimate and suitable media outlets. This can be validated by providing Web Summit with proof of recently published work.

The purpose of media accreditation is for Web Summit to provide working journalists with the tools required to report on the event, its content and its participants. Web Summit will provide accredited media with exclusive access to interview its participants and share high quality material in order to cover. It is expected that media accreditation holders credit Web Summit as their source.

Media accreditation will not be provided to marketing, advertising, or public relations firms, consultants or advisors, market researchers, brand content producers, employees of corporate content marketing or social media teams, as well as non-editorial employees of legitimate media outlets such as account managers and marketing or business development executives.

However, media accreditation does not exclude freelancers, contributors, analysts, filmmakers, crew, influencers, bloggers, YouTubers, or podcasters. These roles will be subject to a more extensive assessment and will be requested to provide more information during their application process, including but not limited to the following:

  • Proof of recent work with a legitimate media outlet.
  • Proof of assignment by a legitimate media outlet.
  • Proof of covering Web Summit events in the past.
  • Proof of pre-coverage for the upcoming event you are applying for.
  • Proof of coverage plans for the upcoming event you are applying for.

Web Summit monitors coverage generated by all attending media to ensure coverage plans and assignments were delivered. Those with no proof of coverage may be declined media accreditation for any future conferences.

Legitimate media outlets include publications or broadcasters that provide news and feature stories to the public through various distribution channels, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and across a range of mediums on the internet.

For any content generated or published by accredited media from which Web Summit was the source, it is expected that Web Summit is acknowledged or made reference to in some manner.

Web Summit takes the stance that freedom of expression is a fundamental right within the European Union and is a basic cornerstone of any democratic society. In terms of what we accept when it comes to deeming outlets as suitable, anything in line with both EU legislation and our own policies is considered acceptable.

When referring to such legislation, it means we support human rights, civil rights, animal rights, environmental rights, societal rights, consumer rights etc.

When referring to our policies, we are referring to our anti-harassment policyaccessibility policy, and our terms and conditions.
The line we draw covers anything which contradicts, compromises, violates, or defames the following:

  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion (e.g. gender, LGBTQ+).
  • Particular religions, beliefs, and ideologies.
  • Any real, verified, or factual truths (i.e. no fake news or conspiracies).
  • Anyone’s privacy or dignity at a personal level.

Gaining media accreditation is subject to assessment and approval by Web Summit’s media team. The Web Summit media team reserves the right to approve or deny accreditation via the online application process.

Web Summit also retains the right to cancel any media accreditation at their discretion and at any time. This includes revoking invitations made by Web Summit. Grounds for cancellation covers anyone with media accreditation that has had a change in circumstances and no longer meets the above criteria or standards held by Web Summit, as mentioned above.